Blog Tour Coming!
I'm getting excited about the upcoming blog tour I'm doing at the end of the month! Thanks to Literati Author Services for all they are doing to make it happen. I have to admit I'm also a little nervous, I've never done one before but I've got some fun things to share about myself and Concealed. I'm excited to get to know more people and answer questions about the book. There will be giveaways and lots of fun tidbits to share so I hope you will all check out the tour and join ...
January 19, 2014 No comments yet
Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014!
I'm back from vacation and was thinking, what better way to start off the new year than with a giveaway?! I couldn't think of one soooooo I have two, signed print copies of CONCEALED up for grabs. Tweet about the giveaway or go like my NEW author page on Facebook to enter. That's all you have to do and you might win! I want to wish you all a Happy New Year! I'll be spending it watching the ball drop with my husband, the kids, and some really good friends. Be safe everyone and I ...
December 31, 2013 17 comments
In my household, like so many others, there's never a dull moment. We have so much packed into the next week, I cannot even begin to explain the amount of 'family time' we will have together. Air mattresses and couches, luggage cramped cars, whining children and snoring will become the norm for a few days but it will be an adventure...just like every day around here! Before I get completely swept up into it all, I wanted to take a minute and say thank you to all of you. Putting a book out ...
December 22, 2013 No comments yet
…and a partridge in a Pear Tree!
Phew! What a crazy couple of days it's been. Concealed is available for purchase on Amazon (print and mobi), Barnes and Noble (epub), and Kobo (epub) and I want to thank everyone who has gone out and bought a copy or tweeted, posted on Facebook or messaged about the release. I am truly humbled by the support I've received and can't wait to hear what you think about it. Any reviews would be much appreciated! Congratulations to the winners of the ebook and Holiday card giveaway! I had ...
December 11, 2013 No comments yet
Giveaway time!
I love this time of year because one of my favorite things to do is give out presents! The last couple days have been amazing and I so appreciate all the support and encouragement people have been giving me over CONCEALED I decided to do a giveaway as my way of saying thank you! So what's up for grabs? There will be two winners and each will get an ebook of CONCEALED and a signed Holiday card mailed to them! I might even throw in an extra little treat, too :) Here is the rafflecopter ...
December 8, 2013 16 comments