Summer Reads Scavenger Hunt
16th - 19th July 2014 Summer Reads Scavenger Hunt kicks off today and I'm so excited to be a part of it! Welcome to everyone and thanks for stopping by. So what is the Scavenger Hunt all about? Well... I was lucky enough to team up with a ton of other authors and be a part of the scavenger hunt to make your summer a little more exciting. What better way for authors to do that than not only rec some great books, but to include in it a scavenger hunt with a HUGE giveaway with signed books ...
July 15, 2014 12 comments
Goodreads Giveaway Time!
Is anyone else asking themselves "How can it be July already?" I am! Summer is flying by but the weather has been beautiful and so I'm doing my best to absorb every moment of it until it's time to go back to work in August. I've also been busy writing more of the next books in the Hidden Series and it's felt great. Agnes Whittman still keeps me laughing every time she pops up in a scene and I can't wait for you all to read more of her antics. CONCEALED has been getting some great reviews ...
July 8, 2014 7 comments
Happy Friday!
The weekend is here and it's feeling like summer today where I live. Hope everyone is enjoying some warm temperatures after that crazy cold winter we all had!! I wanted to quickly let you know that there is a giveaway over at Confessions of an Unsuspected Bookworm. Huge thanks to Angie, who did a great piece on Boycotts and Barflies and to go along with the post, she's doing her first giveaway. Go show her some love. There is an ebook AND a SIGNED print copy of Boycotts and Barflies up ...
May 16, 2014 No comments yet
Vincent Drake needs YOU!
Happy Spring, Happy Easter, happy WONDERFUL weather! Spring break is finally here for me and I am thrilled to start it out with some fun! The ladies over at Halos and Horns Book Blog are having a contest today for BEST FALL FOR HER BOSS book and I was so excited to hear Trust in Advertising was in the competition with some other amazing books. It would me the world to me if you would quickly go visit them on Facebook and cast a vote for Trust in Advertising and our dear Vincent Drake. He ...
April 18, 2014 No comments yet
Blog Tour Wrap-up
My very first blog tour is over and what a great time I had! Thanks to all the bloggers who generously agreed to participate. I was overwhelmed by the number of people who were interested in reading Concealed and was blown away by the reviews! I had the opportunity to make a few guest posts which was a ton of fun, and I'd love to do it again. Thanks to the ladies over at Literati Author Services for organizing the event and for all their work to make it happen. It was so fun and easy, I ...
February 5, 2014 No comments yet