Vincent Drake needs YOU!
Happy Spring, Happy Easter, happy WONDERFUL weather! Spring break is finally here for me and I am thrilled to start it out with some fun!
The ladies over at Halos and Horns Book Blog are having a contest today for BEST FALL FOR HER BOSS book and I was so excited to hear Trust in Advertising was in the competition with some other amazing books. It would me the world to me if you would quickly go visit them on Facebook and cast a vote for Trust in Advertising and our dear Vincent Drake. He doesn’t like to lose, as you can imagine.
From the desk for Vincent Drake:
Ladies, now I am not one to encourage people to get on social media during the workday, but Lexi has been jumping up and down since she heard and it’s impossible to get anything done at Hunter Advertising. She promises to calm down if I send this memo out so here it is. Please, I implore you, get on Facebook and visit the Halos and Horns book blog and vote for Trust in Advertising in their contest Best Fall for her Boss Book. Lexi and I would be eternally grateful and hopefully then everyone around here would be able to get back to work because we have a multi-million dollar television campaign that is wasting away from lack of attention. I believe Trust in Advertising is qualified for the title and has the exact qualifications the contest requires.
Thank you for your consideration,
Vincent Drake
How can you say no to that?
Here is the link to their Facebook page- The contest ends tonight so vote now!
They are awesome ladies and a lot of fun so a huge thanks to them for the support of me and my crazy books!!