New Website!
I wasn’t kidding when I said there were a lot of NEW things coming, was I?
I am so blessed to have a wonderful friend named Barb who made all of this possible! I cannot even being to thank her enough for all her time and hard work in making the website and blog amazingly gorgeous to celebrate the release of my new book Concealed! So thank you Barb for being wonderful and such an amazing person. (You can also stop rolling your eyes because you’re the one who told me to go blog something I am truly grateful for all you have done for me!
So I posted the trailer for CONCEALED on Facebook earlier and it’s on the website now too. CONCEALED is also up on Goodreads so go put it in your TBR shelf! The book will go on sale Tuesday but until then, you can check out a preview here on the website. Concealed is a little different than my other books, more intense. There’s still plenty of fun and humor, because that’s who I am and what I love, but there are a few places in it that will get your heart pumping. I hope you enjoy the book as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Thanks to everyone for their support! The messages and emails I’ve been getting since putting up the trailer today have been amazing and I’m touched by your kindness.
I can’t wait until Tuesday when CONCEALED will be on sale! Stay tuned for more fun…
Congratulations, my friend!
Tuesday seems far away….Can’t wait.
mwah xoxoxox